An Active Senior is a Happy Senior

For seniors especially, staying active through exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remaining active as you age promotes both mental and physical well-being, which can assist in fighting off disease, raising cognitive function, bolstering relationships, and decreasing potential falls. Simplify Senior Living has outlined 5 important reasons why exercise should be a part of every senior’s daily routine.
Disease Prevention
As you continue to age, your immune system starts to deteriorate. To ensure that seniors continue to maintain and strengthen their health, it is important to consider the effects of exercise on their immune systems. Although exercise cannot fully combat the withering of an aging immune system, it is known to help fight typical diseases and even heart issues and diabetes.
Mental Stability
The release of endorphins, the “happy” chemicals in your brain, becomes less common as you age due to retirement, loneliness, changing schedules, or not being able to perform activities that once interested you. By exercising and turning endorphins loose, seniors can naturally experience an improved sense of happiness, a lightened mood, and an enhanced sleep schedule without the use of medications.
Social Engagement
Exercising with another person or group of people should be a top priority for seniors as it reduces the risk of depression and can prevent loneliness. Finding a physical activity that peaks your interest and doing it with people you enjoy being with can give seniors a sense of purpose.
Improved Cognitive Function
Despite when a senior starts their exercise schedule, research suggests that aging adults who take advantage of utilizing a routine are less susceptible to cognitive deterioration or dementia. Maintaining independence, continuing daily functional activities, and preserving overall quality of life could become impossible for seniors who do not remain active.
Decreased Risk of Falls
When aging adults happen to take a fall, it takes an extended period of time to recover, which no senior wants to experience. However, with exercise comes strength, flexibility and balance, which all ultimately contribute to a minimized risk of falling. In addition, bone mass stays intact and does not deplete as quickly for an active older adult.
Simple Exercises to do at Home
Mobility Test for Seniors
In order for seniors to stay independent, it is important to improve their mobility and reduce their risk of falling. This simple test, called Timed Up and Go, can give you an idea of how good their mobility is.
Exercise for Balance and Strength
People naturally lose balance, strength, and flexibility as they age. This can increase the risk of falling which can lead to serious injury. This simple home exercise can help prevent falls.
Balance Exercises Using a Walker
Using a walker doesn’t mean seniors can’t exercise. This short video demonstrates 5 simple, safe, and effective at home balance exercises for seniors who use a walker.
Chair Exercises
These chair exercises are safe for frail or wheelchair-bound seniors.
Prevent Falls When Reaching
Falls can happen at any time, even when reaching for an object. Seniors can try these fall prevention exercises to improve balance and strength.
Tai Chi
Tai chi is a gentle exercise that can improve balance and reduce the risk of falling.